No more USB cables

Kyriakos Georgiopoulos
2 min readJan 1, 2021

10 steps to debug your Android app over WiFi

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

1. Download the SDK Platform Tools for Windows, Mac, or Linux.

2. Extract the ZIP file somewhere easily accessible.

3. Connect your Android device to the computer with a USB cable for the initial setup.

4. Connect your device to the same WiFi network with the Android Debug Bridge (adb) host computer.

5. Enable wireless debugging on your device.

Wireless debugging

6. Open the command prompt.

run command prompt

7. Change the working directory to platform-tools, type adb devices, and hit Enter.

start to write adb commands

8. Type adb tcpip 5555. This makes the device to start listening for connections on port 5555.

adb command to start listening for connections on port 5555

9. Look up the device IP address of the device. Go to settings, about phone or tablet, status, IP address. You can also type adb shell netcfg or adb shell ifconfig.

adb command to find the device IP address

10. Type connect IP:5555. This connects to the server we set up on the device on step 8.

adb command to connect the server we set up previously on the device



